Best Practices & Strategies with Cloud

Query Lambda for RDS MySQL Private Database

It is important to create a database in private subnets in a VPC and not to expose it to internet, however it is challenging to connect to a private database instance and create the initial Schema and seed the database. This Query Lambda addresses this consern. This repo contains code for a Lambda function written in NodeJS and a SAM template to deploy it.

Managed Services for Open-Source Technology on AWS Cloud

Managed Services for Open-Source Technology on AWS Cloud

Caveat: Developing Solutions with Open-Source technologies gives us freedom from licensing and also run them anywhere we want, however it becomes increasingly complex and difficult to scale and manage at high velocities with Open Source.
We easily can offload the management and scalability to the managed services in the cloud and concentrate more on our required business functionality. This can also save total cost of ownership (TCO) in the long term.