Running Containers on AWS as per Business Requirements and Capabilities

We can run containers with EKS, ECS, Fargate, Lambda, App Runner, Lightsail, OpenShift or on just EC2 instances on AWS Cloud. In this post I will discuss on how to choose the AWS service based on our organization requirements and capabilities.



Caveat: Meeting the business objectives and goals can become difficult if we don’t choose the right service based on our requirements and capabilities.


  1. Understand the complexity of your application based on how many microservices and how they interact with each other.
  2. Estimate how your application scales based on business.
  3. Analyse the skillset and capabilities of your team and how much time you can spend for administration and learning.
  4. Understand the policies and priorities of your organization in the long-term.


You may wonder why we have many services for running the containers on AWS. One size does not fit all. We need to understand our business goals and requirements and our team capabilities before choosing a service.

Let us understand each service one by one.

All the services which are discussed below require the knowledge of building containerized images with Docker and running them.

Running Containers on Amazon EC2 Manually

You can deploy and run containers on EC2 Instances manually if you have just 1 to 4 applications like a website or any processing application without any scaling requirements.

Organization Objectives:

  1. Run just 1 to 4 applications on the cloud with high availability.
  2. Have full control at the OS level.
  3. Have standard workload all the time without any scaling requirements.

Capabilities Required:

  1. Team should have full understanding of AWS networking at VPC level including load balancers.
  2. Configure and run container runtime like docker daemon.
  3. Deploying application containers manually on the EC2 instances by accessing through SSH.
  4. Knowledge of maintaining OS on EC2 instances.

The cost is predictable if there is no scaling requirement.

The disadvantages in this option are:

  1. We need to maintain the OS and docker updated manually.
  2. We need to constantly monitor the health of running containers manually.

What if you don’t want to take the headache of managing EC2 instances and monitoring the health of your containers? – Enter Amazon Lightsail

 Running Containers with Amazon Lightsail

The easiest way to run containers is Amazon Lightsail. To run containers on Lightsail we just need to define the power of the node (EC2 instance) required and scale that is how many nodes. If the number of containers instances is more than 1, then Lightsail copies the container across multiple nodes you specify. Lightsail uses ECS under the hood. Lightsail manages the networking.

Organization Objectives:

  1. Run multiple applications on the cloud with high availability.
  2. Infrastructure should be fully managed by AWS with no maintenance.
  3. Have standard workload and scale dynamically when there is need.
  4. Minimal and predictable cost with bundled services including load balancer and CDN.

Capabilities Required:

  1. Team should have just knowledge of running containers.

Lightsail can dynamically scale but it should be managed manually, we cannot implement autoscaling based on certain triggers like increase in traffic etc.

What if you need more features like building a CI/CD pipeline, integration with a Web Application Firewall (WAF) at the edge locations? – Enter AWS App Runner


Running Containers with AWS App Runner

AWS App runner is one more easy service to run containers. We can implement Auto Scaling and secure the traffic with AWS WAF and other services like private endpoints in VPC. App Runner directly connects to the image repository and deploy the containers. We can also integrate with other AWS services like Cloud Watch, CloudTrail and X-Ray for advanced monitoring capability.

Organization Objectives:

  1. Run multiple applications on the cloud with high availability.
  2. Infrastructure should be fully managed by AWS with no maintenance.
  3. Auto Scale as per the varying workloads.
  4. Implement high security features like traffic filtering and isolating workloads in a private secured environment.

Capabilities Required:

  1. Team should have just knowledge of running containers.
  2. AWS knowledge of services like WAF, VPC, CloudWatch is required to handle the advanced requirements.

App Runner supports full stack web applications including front-end and backend services. At present App Runner supports only stateless applications, stateful applications are not supported.

What if you need to run the containers in a serverless fashion, i.e., an event driven architecture in which you run the container only when needed (invoked by an event) and pay only for the time the process runs to service the request? – Enter AWS Lambda.

Running Containers with AWS Lambda

With Lambda, you pay only for the time your container function runs in milliseconds and how much RAM you allocate to the function, if your function runs for 300 milliseconds to process a request then you pay only for that time. You need to build your container image with the base image provided by AWS. The base images are open-source made by AWS and they are preloaded with a language runtime and other components required to run a container image on Lambda. If we choose our own base image then we need to add appropriate runtime interface client for our function so that we can receive the invocation events and respond accordingly.

Organization Objectives:

  1. Run multiple applications on the cloud with high availability.
  2. Infrastructure should be fully managed by AWS with no maintenance.
  3. Auto Scale as per the varying workloads.
  4. Implement high security features like traffic filtering and isolating workloads in a private secured environment.
  5. Implement event-based architecture.
  6. Pay only for the requests process without idle time for apps.
  7. Seamlessly integrate with other services like API Gateway where throttling is needed.

Capabilities Required:

  1. Team should have just knowledge of running containers.
  2. Team should have deep understanding of AWS Lambda and event-based architectures on AWS and other AWS services.
  3. Existing applications may need to be modified to handle the event notifications and integrate with runtime client interfaces provided by the Lambda Base images.

We need to be aware of limitations of Lambda, it is stateless, max time a Lambda function can run is 15 minutes, it provides a temporary storage for buffer operations.

What if you need more transparency i.e., access to underlying infrastructure at the same time the infrastructure is managed by AWS? – Enter AWS Elastic Beanstalk.

Running Containers with AWS Elastic Beanstalk

We can run any containerized application on AWS Elastic Beanstalk which will deploy and manage the infrastructure on behalf of you. We can create and manage separate environments for development, testing, and production use, and you can deploy any version of your application to any environment. We can do rolling deployments or Blue / Green deployments. Elastic Beanstalk provisions the infrastructure i.e., VPC, EC2 instances, Load Balances with Cloud Formation Templates developed with best practices.

For running containers Elastic Beanstalk uses ECS under-the-hood. ECS provides the cluster running the docker containers, Elastic Beanstalk manages the tasks running on the cluster.

Organization Objectives:

  1. Run multiple applications on the cloud with high availability.
  2. Infrastructure should be fully managed by AWS with no maintenance.
  3. Auto Scale as per the varying workloads.
  4. Implement high security features like traffic filtering and isolating workloads in a private secured environment.
  5. Implement multiple environments for developing, staging and productions.
  6. Deploy with strategies like Blue / Green and Rolling updates.
  7. Access to the underlying instances.

Capabilities Required:

  1. Team should have just knowledge of running containers.
  2. Foundational knowledge of AWS and Elastic Beanstalk is enough.

What if you need to implement more complex microservices architecture with advanced functionality like service mesh and orchestration? Enter Elastic Container Service Directly

Running Containers with Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS)

When we want to implement a complex micro-services architecture with orchestration of container, then ECS is the right choice. Amazon ECS is a fully managed service with built-in best practices for operations and configuration. It removes the headache of complexity in managing the control plane and gives option to run our workloads anywhere in cloud and on-premises.

ECS give two launch types to run tasks, Fargate and EC2. Fargate is a serverless option with low overhead with which we can run containers without managing infrastructure. EC2 is suitable for large workloads which require consistently high CPU and memory.

A Task in ECS is a blueprint of our microservice, it can run one or more containers. We can run tasks manually for applications like batch jobs or with a Service Schedular which ensures the scheduling strategy for long running stateless microservices. Service Schedular orchestrates containers across multiple availability zones by default using task placement strategies and constraints.

Organization Objectives:

  1. Run complex microservices architecture with high availability and scalability.
  2. Orchestrate the containers as per complex business requirements.
  3. Integrate with AWS services seamlessly.
  4. Low learning curve for the team which can take advantage of cloud.
  5. Infrastructure should be fully managed by AWS with no maintenance.
  6. Auto Scale as per the varying workloads.
  7. Implement high security features like traffic filtering and isolating workloads in a private secured environment.
  8. Implement complex DevOps strategies with managed services for CI/CD pipelines.
  9. Access to the underlying instances for some applications and at the same time have a serverless option for some other workloads.
  10. Implement service mesh for microservices with a managed service like App Mesh.

Capabilities Required:

  1. Team should have knowledge of running containers.
  2. Intermediate level of understanding of AWS services is required.
  3. Good knowledge of ECS orchestration and scheduling configuration will add much value.
  4. Optionally Developers should have knowledge of services mesh implementation with App mesh if it is required.

What if you need to migrate existing on-premises container workloads running on Kubernetes to the Cloud or what if the organization policy states to adopt open-source technologies? – Enter Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service.


Running Containers with Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS)

Amazon EKS is a fully managed service for Kubernetes control plane and it gives option to run workloads on self-managed EC2 instances, Managed EC2 Instances or fully managed serverless Fargate service. It removes the headache of managing and configuring the Kubernetes Control Plane with in-built high availability and scalability. EKS is an upstream implementation of CNCF released Kubernetes version, so all the workloads presently running on-premises K8S will work on EKS. It gives option to extend and use the same EKS console to on-premises with EKS anywhere.

Organization Objectives:

  1. Adopt open-source technologies as a policy.
  2. Migrate existing workloads on Kubernetes.
  3. Run complex microservices architecture with high availability and scalability.
  4. Orchestrate the containers as per complex business requirements.
  5. Integrate with AWS services seamlessly.
  6. Infrastructure should be fully managed by AWS with no maintenance.
  7. Auto Scale as per the varying workloads.
  8. Implement high security features like traffic filtering and isolating workloads in a private secured environment.
  9. Implement complex DevOps strategies with managed services for CI/CD pipelines.
  10. Access to the underlying instances for some applications and at the same time have a serverless option for some other workloads.
  11. Implement service mesh for microservices with a managed service like App Mesh.

Capabilities Required:

  1. Team should have knowledge of running containers.
  2. Intermediate level of understanding of AWS services is required and deep understanding of networking on AWS for Kubernetes will a lot, you can read my previous blog here.
  3. Learning curve is high with Kubernetes and should spend sufficient time for learning.
  4. Good knowledge of EKS orchestration and scheduling configuration.
  5. Optionally Developers should have knowledge of services mesh implementation with App mesh if it is required.
  6. Team should have knowledge on handling Kubernetes updates, you can refer to my vlog here.


Running Containers with Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA)

If the Organization manages its existing workloads on Red Hat OpenShift and want to take advantage of AWS Cloud then we can migrate easily to Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) which is a managed service. We can use ROSA to create Kubernetes clusters using the Red Hat OpenShift APIs and tools, and have access to the full breadth and depth of AWS services. We can also access Red Hat OpenShift licensing, billing, and support all directly through AWS


I have seen many organizations adopt multiple service to run their container workloads on AWS, it is not necessary to stick to one kind of service, in a complex enterprise architecture it is recommended to keep all options open and adopt as the business needs changes.

Build Docker Container for Java App and Deploying it on Amazon EKS

Github Link

This repo contains a Sample Spring Boot Java App with the dockerfile which uses Amazon Corretto 17 as base image and manifestes for creating an Amazon EKS cluster and deploying the sample app to the cluster as a container and exposing it with a service and classic load balancer.


Docker, AWS Account and IAM user with necessary permissions for creating EKS Cluster, aws cli, configure IAM user with necessary programmatic permissions, eksctl cli, kubectl Please install and configure above before going further

  • You can incur charges in your AWS Account by following this steps below
  • The code will deploy in us-west-2 region, change it where ever necessary if deploying in another region

After downloading the repo in the terminal CD to repo directory and follow the steps for

  1. Building a Docker Image for a Java App and Pushing it to Amazon ECR.
  2. Creating an Amazon EKS cluster with eksctl
  3. Deploying the sample app to the EKS cluster.

Steps for Building a Docker Image and Pushing it to Amazon ECR

  • Change directory to sample
cd sample
  • Run docker daemon
sudo dockerd 
  • Build an image
docker build --tag sample . 
  • View local images
docker images
  • docker build build stage
docker build -t sample-build --target build . 
  • docker build production stage
docker build -t sample-production --target production . 
  • Get ECR Login and pass it to docker
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-west-2 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
  • Create ECR repo
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name sample-repo --image-scanning-configuration scanOnPush=true --region us-west-2
  • Tag the image
docker tag sample-production:latest
  • Push the Image to ECR Repo
docker push

Create EKS Cluser

Create an Amazon EKS cluster in us-west-2 region with 2 t3.micro instances Creation of EKS cluster can take up to 20 minutes

eksctl create cluster -f devcluster-addons-us-west-2.yaml

Deploy Image to EKS Cluster

Update Image URL in deployment.yaml file Replace-With-AWS-Account-ID

  • Deploy Java Sample-App
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
  • Deploy Java Sample-App Service
kubectl apply -f service.yaml
kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml
  • Get Deployments
kubectl get deployment sample-app
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get service sample-app -o wide
kubectl get pods -n default

Delete Resources

  • Delete Deployments
kubectl delete deployment sample-app
  • Delete services
kubectl delete service sample-app
  • Delete ingress if you have created it
kubectl delete ingress sample-app
  • Delete Amazon EKS Cluster
eksctl delete cluster -f devcluster-addons-us-west-2.yaml

Query Lambda for RDS MySQL Private Database

Github link

It is important to create a database in private subnets in a VPC and not to expose it to internet, however it is challenging to connect to a private database instance and create the initial Schema and seed the database. This Query Lambda addresses this consern. This repo contains code for a Lambda function written in NodeJS and a SAM template to deploy it.

The Lambda function makes use of best practices of getting the secrets from Secrets Manager and using Layers for MySQL Package.


AWS Account and IAM user with necessary permissions for creating Lambda, aws cli, SAM cli, configure IAM user with necessary programmatic permissions, RDS MySQL database in a VPC. Please install and configure above before going further

  • You can incur charges in your AWS Account by following this steps below
  • The code will deploy in us-west-2 region, change it where ever necessary if deploying in another region

After downloading the repo in the terminal Change Directory to repo directory and follow the steps for

  • Change Directory into Layer/nodejs folder and run
npm install mysql --save 

or Manually Create the Lambda function and create a layer and add it to Lambda function

  • Create Secret for RDS MySQL Database you have created in the Secrets Manager (in the same region)

Lambda Function Usage

Once lambda is deployed you can make use of Testing built in the Lambda console to interact with database. The function expects three inputs Quesry String – querystr, Database Name – dbname, Secret Manager’s Secret – secret

You can configure test events as follows

{"querystr": "CREATE DATABASE sampledb2", "dbname": "sampledb", "secret": "dbsecret"}
{"querystr": "CREATE TABLE customers (name VARCHAR(255), address VARCHAR(255))", "dbname": "sampledb","secret": "dbsecret"}
{"querystr": "INSERT INTO customers (name, address) VALUES ('Rama', 'Whitefield Bangalore')", "dbname": "sampledb", "secret": "dbsecret"}
{"querystr": "SELECT * FROM customers","dbname2": "sampledb","secret": "dbsecret"}

Managed Services for Open-Source Technology on AWS Cloud



Caveat: Developing Solutions with Open-Source technologies gives us freedom from licensing and also run them anywhere we want, however it becomes increasingly complex and difficult to scale and manage at high velocities with Open Source.


We easily can offload the management and scalability to the managed services in the cloud and concentrate more on our required business functionality. This can also save total cost of ownership (TCO) in the long term.


Let’s consider an On-premises solution stack which we would like to migrate to cloud for gaining scalability and high availability.

Application Stack

Legacy application stack hosted on the VMs in the On-Prem data centre can be easily moved to Amazon EC2 instances with lift and shift operations.

Kubernetes Cluster

Now a days many organizations are using Kubernetes to orchestrate their containerised microservices. In Kubernetes installation and management of control plane nodes and etcd database cluster with high availability and scalability becomes a challenging task. Added to it we also need to manage worker nodes on data plane where we run our applications.

We can easily migrate our Kubernetes workloads to Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) which completely manages the controls plane and etcd cluster in it with high availability and reliability. Amazon EKS gives us three options with worker nodes, Managed Worker Nodes, Un-Managed Worker Nodes and Fargate which is a fully managed serverless option for running containers with Amazon EKS. It is a certified to CNCF Kubernetes software conformance standards, so we need not to worry about any portability issues. You can refer to my previous blog post on Planning and Managing Amazon VPC IP space in Amazon EKS cluster for best practices.

Amazon EKS Anywhere can handle Kubernetes clusters on your on-premises also if you wish to keep some workloads on your on-premises.

Front-End Stack

If we have front-end stack developed with Angular, React, Vue or any other static web sites then we can take advantage of web hosting capabilities of Amazon S3 which is fully managed object storage service.

With AWS Amplify we can host both static and dynamic full stack web apps and also implement CI/CD pipelines for any new web or mobile projects.

Load balancer and API stack

We can use Amazon Elastic Load Balancer for handling the traffic, Application Load balancer can do content based routing to the microservices on the Amazon EKS cluster, this can be easily implemented with ingress controller provided by AWS for Kubernetes.

If we have REST API stack developed with OpenAPI Specification (Swagger), we can easily import  the swagger files in Amazon API gateway and implement the API stack.

If we have GraphQL API stack we can implement it with managed serverless service AWS AppSync, which support any back-end data store on AWS like DynamoDB.

If we have Nginx load balancers on on-premises, we can take them on to Amazon Lightsail instances.

Messaging and Streaming Stack

It is important to decouple the applications with the messaging layer, in microservices architecture generally messaging layer is implemented with popular open source tech like Kafka, Apache Active MQ and Rabbit MQ. We can shift these workloads to managed service on AWS which are Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) and Amazon MQ.

Amazon MSK is a fully managed service for Apache Kafka to process the streaming data. It manages the control-plane operations for creating, updating and deleting clusters and we can use the data-plane for producing and consuming the streaming data. Amazon MSK also creates the Apache ZooKeeper nodes which is an open-source server that makes distributed coordination easy. MSK serverless is also available in some regions with which you need not worry about cluster capacity.

Amazon MQ which is a is a managed message broker service supports both Apache ActiveMQ and RabbitMQ. You can migrate existing message brokers that rely on compatibility with APIs such as JMS or protocols such as AMQP 0-9-1, AMQP 1.0, MQTT, OpenWire, and STOMP.

Monitoring Stack

Well known tools for monitoring the IT resources and application are OpenTelemetry,  Prometheus and Grafana. In many cases OpenTelemetry agents collects the metrics and distributed traces data from containers and application and pumps it to the Prometheus server and can be visualized and analysed with Grafana.

AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry consists of SDKs, auto-instrumentation agents, collectors and exporters to send data to back-end services, it is an upstream-first model which means AWS commits enhancements to the CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation Project) and then builds the Distro from the upstream. AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry supports Java, .NET, JavaScript, Go, and Python. You can download AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry and implement it as a daemon in the Kubernetes cluster. It also supports sending the metrics to popular Amazon CloudWatch.

Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus is a serverless, Prometheus-compatible monitoring service for container metrics which means you can use the same open-source Prometheus data model and query language that you are using on the on-premises for monitoring your containers on Kubernetes. You can integrate AWS Security with it securing your data. As it is a managed service high availability and scalability are built into the service. Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus is charged based on metrics ingested and metrics storage per GB per month and query samples processed, so you only pay for what you use.

With Amazon Managed Grafana you can query and visualize metrics, logs and traces from multiple sources including Prometheus. It’s integrated with data sources like Amazon CloudWatch, Amazon OpenSearch Service, AWS X-Ray, AWS IoT SiteWise, Amazon Timestream so that you can have a central place for all your metrics and logs. You can control who can have access to Grafana with IAM Identity Center. You can also upgrade to Grafana Enterprise which gives you direct support from Grafana Labs.

SQL DB Stack

Most organizations certainly have SQL DB stack and many prefer to go with the opensource databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL. We can easily move these database workloads to Amazon Relation Database service (Amazon RDS) which support six database engines MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, MS SQL Server, Oracle and Aurora. Amazon RDS manages all common database administration tasks like backups and maintenance, it gives us the option for high availability with multi-AZ which is just a switch, once enabled, Amazon RDS automatically manages the replication and failover to a stand by database instance in another availability zone. With Amazon RDS we can create read replicas for read-heavy workloads. It makes sense to shift MySQL and PostgreSQL workloads to Amazon Aurora if we have compatible supported versions by Aurora with little or no change, because Amazon Aurora give 5x more throughput for MySQL and 3X more throughput for PostgreSQL than the standard ones as it takes advantage of cloud clustered volume storage. Aurora can support scaling up to 128TB storage.

If you have SQL Server workloads and op to go for Aurora PostgreSQL, then Babelfish can help to accept connections from your SQL Server clients.

We can easily migrate your database workload with AWS Database Migration Service and Schema Conversion tool.

No-SQL DB Stack

If we have No-SQL DB stack like MongoDB and Cassandra on our on-prem data center the we can choose to run our workload on Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) and Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra). Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) is a fully managed database service which can grow the size of storage volume as the database storage grows. The storage volume grows in increments of 10 GB, up to a maximum of 64 TB. We can also create up to 15 read replicas in other availability zones for high read throughput. You may also consider MongoDB Atlas on AWS service from AWS marketplace which is developed and supported by MongoDB.

You can use same Cassandra application code and developer tools on Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra) which gives high availability and scalability. Amazon Keyspaces is serverless, so you pay for only the resources that you use, and the service automatically scales tables up and down in response to application traffic.

Caching Stack

We use in-memory data store for very low latency applications for caching. Amazon ElastiCache supports the Memcached and Redis cache engines. We can go for Memcached if we need simple model and multithreaded performance. We can choose Redis if we require high availability with replication in another availability zone and other advanced features like pub/sub and complex data types. With Redis you go for Cluster mode enabled or disabled. ElastiCache for Redis manages backups, software patching, automatic failure detection, and recovery.

DevOps Stack

For DevOps and configuration management we could be using Chef Automate or Puppet Enterprise, when we shift to the cloud, we can use the same stack to configure and deploy our applications with AWS OpsWorks, which is a configuration management service that creates fully-managed Puppet Enterprise servers and Chef Automate servers.

With OpsWorks for Puppet Enterprise we can configure, deploy and manage EC2-instances and as well as on-premises servers. It gives full-stack automation for OS configurations, update and install packages and change management.

You can run your cookbooks which contain recipes on OpsWorks for Chef Automate to mange infra and applications on the EC2 instances.

Data Analytics Stack

OpenSearch is an open-source search and analytics suite made from a fork of ALv2 version of Elasticsearch and Kibana (Last open-source version of Elasticsearch and Kibana). If you have workloads developed on opensource version of Elasticserach or OpenSearch then you can easily migrate to Amazon OpenSearch which is a managed service. AWS has added several new features for OpenSearch such as support for cross-cluster replication, trace analytics, data streams, transforms, a new observability user interface, and notebooks in OpenSearch Dashboards.

Big data frameworks like Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark can be ported to Amazon EMR. We can process petabyte-scale of data from multiple data stores like Amazon S3 and Amazon DynamoDB using open-source frameworks such as Apache Spark, Apache Hive, and Presto. We can create an Amazon EMR cluster which is collections of managed EC2 instances on which EMR installs different software components, each EC2 instance become a node in the Apache Hadoop framework. Amazon EMR Serverless is a new option which makes it easy and cost-effective for data engineers and analysts to run applications without managing clusters.

Workflow Stack

For Work flow management orchestration, we can port the Apache Airflow to Amazon MWAA which is a managed service for Apache Airflow. As usual in the cloud we gain scalability and high availability without the headache of maintenance.

ML Stack

Apart from the AWS native ML tools in Amazon SageMaker, AWS supports many opensource tools like MXNet, TensorFlow and PyTorch with managed services and Deep learning AMIs.

Open-Source Technology Stack on AWS Cloud